Q: What is post-acute pulmonary rehabilitation?
A: Post-Acute Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a specific therapy post-hospitalization in a sub-acute setting that helps those with chronic respiratory disease such as COPD, pneumonia, and other lung conditions that cause a decrease in lung function. It is also needed for anyone with a non-invasive ventilation (BiPAP/ CPAP/ AutoPAP) management, and tracheotomy care or weaning. Pulmonary rehabilitation starts with a referral from your physician to the pulmonologist who will then order the following multi- discipline team approach:
º Respiratory therapist- who will provide respiratory exercise and breathing strategies.
º Dietitian-for nutritional counseling.
º Occupational/Physical Therapies, for energy-conserving techniques in daily tasks and exercise tolerance- and strength building.
º Nursing will provide education regarding your lung disease or condition and how to manage it as well as oxygen titration and incentive spirometry. Oxygen titration is when oxygen saturation is regularly monitored and oxygen is prescribed based on achieving target levels with the goal to decrease or eliminate the need for supplemental oxygen.
When looking for post–acute pulmonary rehabilitation be sure to ask that the rehabilitation provider offers this program with an in-house respiratory therapist along with a centralized oxygen system allowing for a quiet, convenient, and peaceful atmosphere for achieving the best pulmonary results possible prior to discharge home.
See this in today’s Herald www.njherald.com/20170803/q-what-is-post-acute-pulmonary-rehabilitation#