COVID-19 Updates
Covid-19 Updates
Homestead Rehabilitation & Health Care Center Outbreak Response Plan is in compliance with the guidelines issued by Centers for Disease Control (CDC), New Jersey Department of Health Communicable Disease Service (CDS) and the Sussex County Department of Health. The Outbreak Plan is focused on infection control and prevention, surveillance, transmission based precaution, cohorting, PPE education and availability, reporting and transparency through communication with our residents and their representatives(s), if any, as well as their family and loved ones.
- Most common signs and symptoms:
- Fever
- Cough
- Myalgia/fatigue
- Shortness of breath at illness onset
- Sore throat
- Less commonly reported symptoms include sputum production, headache, hemoptysis, and diarrhea.
- And other atypical clinical symptoms presentations
- Incubation period is estimated at from 2-14 days.
- Conduct respiratory/temperature screening for residents
- Maintain communication and collaborates with local and state health authorities.
- Appropriate use of PPE for staff and residents
- Monitor COVID-19 test results for residents and staff
- Monitor accurate contact tracing as required
- Residents are screened for COVID 19 signs and symptoms with temperature check, respiratory assessments, and clinical evaluation
- Staff is performed prior to entering the facility – staff fill out questionnaire and temperature checked each time reporting to work. Any staff who do not pass screening process are evaluated by nurse who will determine if they can work or if they will be sent home. Staff who develop signs or symptoms at work must inform immediate supervisor for further directions – they will be restricted from work while signs and symptoms are present.
Residents who are new admissions or residents who are COVID-19 positive or were exposed to someone who tested positive will be placed on transmission based precautions with the full use of PPE per facility policy until the residents meets the criteria for discontinuation of transmission based precautions. The Transmission Based Policy complies with directives of NJDOH, Sussex County DOH, NHSN, CDC as require by current guidelines.
Residents will be placed in cohorts as per the Facility policy which complies with Guidelines of NJDOH, Sussex County DOH, NHSN, CDC.
- Staff receives education specific to COVID-19 including Donning & Doffing of PPE, use of eye protection and face shields and proper handwashing.
- Staff are provided with appropriate PPE.
- Facility will maintain the required supply of PPE as per NJDOH, Sussex County DOH, NHSN, CDC as require by current guidelines.
- Staff are primarily assigned to a specific COVID or Non-COVID wing and are rotated only when necessary to meet resident care needs.
- Staff are educated not to report to work if they feel ill.
The Facility shall comply with all reporting requirements of all 3 applicable Governmental Guidelines & Directives including, but not limited to, reporting to the NHSN through the SAMS portal (overseen by the CDC) twice weekly as required by NJDOH Executive Directive No. 20-026. Daily reports are submitted to NJDOH, Sussex County DOH, NHSN, CDC as require by current guidelines.
The Facility utilizes only those testing methodologies that are approved by all applicable Governmental Guidelines & Directives. The Facility has tested, and will continue to test, the Facility’s staff and residents for COVID-19 in accordance with (a) all Governmental Guidelines & Directives. All newly admissions and readmissions are placed on quarantine and tested within 48 hours of admission. The Facility works closely with NJDOH, CDC and Sussex County Health Department with respect to the frequency of testing and retesting as necessary.
- Resident Refusal- Resident will receive education. If resident continues to refuse, resident will be placed on a 14 day quarantine.
- Staff Refusal- Staff who refuses to test will not be permitted to work.
The Facility will continue to maintain an open line of communication with residents, representatives, and their families including, but not limited to, actions taken by the Facility to prevent exposure to, and mitigate the risk of, COVID-19 spread through a email. These updates will also include any new or suspected cases COVID-19 in the Facility. 24/7 COVID 19 hotline for family and residents – 973-948-5400 ext.3100.
Emergency staffing will be provided through Agency contracts.
Offering of incentive/bonus to Homestead RHCC Staff for extra shifts.
Visitation will be permitted per policy and the CDC Guidelines and NJDOH and Sussex County Health Department.
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When the need arises for residential care or rehabilitative care, the Homestead Rehabilitation and Health Care Center is working to redefine healthcare in Sussex County to meet the needs of our community.